Friday, January 14, 2022

Movie Talk - FishWitch

This is a movie talk which I just created this week. My colleague Liz Davidson is writing up an adaptation of The Golden Ass for our Latin 3's to read this semester, so I decided to preview some of the vocabulary using this movie talk. This is now one of my new favorite movie talks, because I really like both the story and the animation (it is very old school Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer kind of feel). The words which I previewed were witch, to be afraid of (we were introducing the deponent verb vereri), curiosity, limbs (of a body), and to endure.

  1. Students REALLY liked this movie talk. It is a very good and thoughtful story. It is a bit on the long side (10 minutes - most movie shorts which I use are about 5-6 minutes) so I only covered the first 6-7 minutes, because by that point, I had covered what I needed in that time. Plus, I wanted to be able to finish the movie talk in one period.
  2. This movie short really lent itself to some good PQAs (personalized questions and answers) which seemed natural to the movie talk. As the teacher, I really got into the PQAs with students on this one and had fun!
  3. Students LOVED the merman - he is absolutely hilarious and clueless in an endearing way.
  4. The animation really lends itself to the feel of this animated short - the stop-animation is such a nice change from the 2D/3D animation.

1 comment:

  1. Our students really did love this one! I loved it too, even over multiple plays throughout the day. Highly recommend.
