Last week, I attended the Fluency Matters Conference in St. Petersburg, and I served as a Strand Guide for one of the Beginners/Novice strands. During those three days, these participants were exposed to A LOT about CI/ADI instruction and theory - I am certain that it felt like drinking from a fire house during those three days! Since it was a strand for beginners/seekers to CI/ADI, there often is a lot of resistance (which is perfectly okay. I was once one of the biggest advocates AGAINST CI/ADI). On the final session, as part of a gallery walk reflection, using post-its I asked my strand participants to write a short answer reflection on a number of questions. These are some of their responses to the following question:
How has your view of Second Language Acquisition and CI/ADI theories grown over the past week?
- Grammatical accuracy is a result of acquisition, not the means of it
- It has deepened my confidence that this is the way to go
- Realizing that I can do this - just not all at once
- I now understand this is a long process. It just takes time. Just like when little kids are developing language
- I have a deeper understanding of how CI activities and strategies can be used together to help acquire a new language
- It can be changed little by little
- Less focus on grammar, but it is not "the enemy"
- I feel better equipped to use CI and challenge my students w/ higher level of questioning at the proper level
- SLA knowledge has grown from near nothing to mid-level understanding
- I can incorporate CI with activities which I already do in class