Monday, October 24, 2022

Spellbound - Movie Talk

Here is a Movie Talk which I just recently did a few weeks ago. I was wanting to introduce the vocabulary words plus (more), minus (less), conspicatus (having caught sight of), plurimus (very many), and invidiosus (jealous). When I did a Google search of "jealous animated short," this particular animated short came up - it worked perfectly for the words which I was wanting to introduce and for those targeted words which I was wanting to recycle. 

  1. I liked this animated short - it is not long at all, so I was able to do a Write and Discuss immediately afterwards.
  2. Quite ironically, I had been targeting the word "odi (I hate)" for a few weeks in our readings, so it was nice to do a movie talk which allowed me to recycle that word.
  3. This is a great movie short to discuss how "words hurt" but also how "words can heal."

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