Friday, July 31, 2020

GoFormative - Get a Taste!

I have been playing around with Formative, which is an online assessment tool. When we had to switch abruptly to online teaching, I heavily used self-grading Google Forms for various ways of assessing students (and have written here about those uses). However, now that I have learned about GoFormative and as I am beginning the school year again in a digital environment, I am going to be using this web app tool, as well as Google Forms. 

I will post more about Formative here on this blog, how to use it in conjunction with Google Classroom, and how I plan to use its various functions in a classroom setting, but if you wish to experience it yourself as a student, here is a quiz which I just made as I was playing around with it. The majority of the quiz is Latin, but if you do not know Latin, you can at least see the various ways of assessing students. 

Go to
Code: 6J845M

Formative is not free, but I used the 30-day free trial to create this formative assessment.


  1. Thanks, Keith. This looks like a useful tool. If I am using Canvas as an LMS, can this app still work or do I need to be using Google Classroom? I think there is a free option as well.

    1. As long as students set up an account, Formative can be used regardless of a particular LMS, because students will log in with their account. However, Formative can be synced with Google Classroom.
