Wednesday, September 9, 2015

The Marker Partner Game

Today, I played the Marker Partner Game with my students. This is an activity which Cynthia Hitz, a CI/TPRS Spanish teacher, mentioned in her ACTFL presentation last November. The game is a lot like Spoons, and yes, it is just as competitive and high-action! It is a great way to review a reading in the target language and to get in comprehensible repetitions of the language in a very fun way. If your class is in need of some much needed energy, this is a very dynamic activity.

The directions can be found on Cynthia's blog -

Cynthia has SO MUCH good stuff on her blog. She's a wonderful woman whom I only really know through Twitter; follow her @sonrisadelcampo. I have met Cynthia a few times in person at ACTFL, and I have learned a great deal from her blog and presentations. I recommend that you bookmark Cynthia's blog, because it is definitely worth reading.  


  1. What would you suggest if there is an odd number of students in the class? I looked at both Cynthia's blog and the one which she linked. No one had commented and asked, so I figured I would get your thoughts on that. I have 19 students in one of my classes.

    1. Sometimes, I'll have a student serve as scorekeeper to help me out. You can also have a group of three where one person rotates out each turn.

    2. Today, I ended up having the one student play on either side. I was the one that would check to see if they would drop the marker. But, I like the rotation idea. That will probably work better. I had thought about the one student being the score keeper and reader of the sentences, but I ended up deciding that I wanted the all the students to be engaged.
